Thanks & appreciation:
It must be said that one can be extremely pleased with the development of the Primrose Mini Cricket Program. Our children / players are well disciplined and there seems to be very good adherence to the standards that management are striving for. This is evident in our attendances and punctuality at practice sessions and matches and the general vibe and sense of belonging to, and within the structure.
Criteria for selection and player evaluation:We have once again experienced phenomenal growth within the mini cricket structure. This is natuarally a good thing but also presents with its challenges.
How do we accommodate everyone?
Within the Beginner and Intermediate groups its not such a huge challenge, but amongst the advanced boys where the games are more competitive, it calls for a criteria for selection.
Parents of the Advanced Team players met earlier in February and formulated the following criteria:
i) Attendance and punctuality at practice
ii) Attendance and punctuality at matches
iii) Dress code for practice to be whites
iv) General dicipline and behaviour
v) Evaluation of skills and general improvement
This process has been implimented since Friday, 11 February.
Coaches and managers for new teams:
As the player base expands so does the need for more coaches and managers. We appeal to parents to volanteer their services.
As the player base expands so does the need for more coaches and managers. We appeal to parents to volanteer their services.
Registration forms:
There are still plenty of registration forms outstanding. Please ensure that these forms are completed and returned by Friday 4 March.
It was requested to return all trophies deficient of engraving. These tophies apply to the 2010 season and we are nearly half way thrugh the 2011 season, The incomplete trophies are to be returned to club management for rectification. It was promised that this would be rectified within a week after last year's presentation.
It was requested to return all trophies deficient of engraving. These tophies apply to the 2010 season and we are nearly half way thrugh the 2011 season, The incomplete trophies are to be returned to club management for rectification. It was promised that this would be rectified within a week after last year's presentation.
Taheera Shaboedien is collecting information and pricing regarding caps, sweaters and tracksuits. We require everyones input to get the ball rolling. If you can assist in any way regarding manufacturers etc. please contact me and I will forward Taheera's number.
Mogammad announced his eventual departure from the club and informed everyone that he will in all likelihood stay involved in the mini cricket program but will sought an alternative structure / club from where to continue to develop the program.The Primrose Mini Cricket structure is in an extremely healthy state and should be a pleasure for anyone accepting the challenge to manage and convene the structure. He appealed to the parents and managers to accept the challenge. He will still manage the structure until the end of March 2011.
Mogammad announced his eventual departure from the club and informed everyone that he will in all likelihood stay involved in the mini cricket program but will sought an alternative structure / club from where to continue to develop the program.The Primrose Mini Cricket structure is in an extremely healthy state and should be a pleasure for anyone accepting the challenge to manage and convene the structure. He appealed to the parents and managers to accept the challenge. He will still manage the structure until the end of March 2011.